Friday, April 14, 2006

Susan on Sexuality

I once quizzed Susan on gay people. Some of you may be gay or know gay people. You may have wondered what maketh man (or woman) gay. Depending on how bigoted you may be, you may have considered- a defective gene, a close relationship with the mother, or exposure to Judy Garland at a young age or you may just not really consider it a question that particularly needs an answer- gay people simply are- deal with it. Well you fools, you are of course all wrong. Susan hath spoken.

Gay people are gay because they haven't met the right person of the opposite sex yet.

I appreciate this will come as an enormous relief to any of you younger gay or lesbian readers who have been struggling with your own feelings and the pressure involved with coming out to friends and family. Likewise to any who have suffered repeated prejudice as a result of their sexuality.

If you wish to give any meesages of thanks to Susan, leave a comment and I'll be sure to pass them on.


At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's nothing! My Susan told me that the aids virus is created when two gays kiss. She heard if from a preacher who heard it from a guy who heard if from a real-life - doctor!


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