Thursday, May 04, 2006

Mass Stupidity

Susan and I work in an office, as you know. Everyday we send out dozens of sets of documents. I could tell you what the documents are but your life would be no richer for this explanation. In fact, a sense of melancholy would cloud your hitherto sunny disposition, and I want my blog to be an uplifting experience for all concerned. Except for me of course- my suffering is, sadly, necessary for your pleasure. The only important thing to know is that the documents are the same everytime and are sent out in A4 envelopes.

On the day in question we had run out of A4 envelopes. This in itself would have certainly passed for an event, and even without the Susan-related developments we would have had lunchtime conversations for years to come that started with the phrase "do you remember the day we ran out of A4 envelopes?". But without our heroine's input, it probably wouldn't have made it to the heady heights of 'weblog entry'.

Susan was left baffled by her predicament but luckily her workmates displayed their lightning-speed problem solving skills and suggested that we fold the documents in half and place them in A5 envelopes. To which Susan asked:

"but won't that cost twice as much to post?"

In Susan's fragile mind, the documents were now heavier because they were inside a smaller envelope. We tried to explain that a decrease in area doesn't bring about an increase in mass. She was, of course, unable to grasp this and after several attempts to explain the logic behind her question she accepted the reality. That evening as we discussed it in the pub, it was apparent that she still hadn't actually figured it out in her own head but was simply taking our word for it. I still think even now if she could she'd try to prove me wrong over this, but sadly both logic and physics think Susan's a twat so they still stubbornly side with me on the issue.


At 2:52 PM, Blogger Aline said...

Hi there - I just wanted to say that since I've discovered your blog (via HecklerSpray - which I discovered via a google search along the lines of "Lindsay Lohan coke whore") I check it nearly every day and am constantly amused. I'm lucky enough to work in a small office in California where no one is too dumb...but we're constantly getting new interns, one of which is always good for a laugh or two.

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Si said...

Hi. Thank you for yr kind words. Please accept my sympathy for you for not having your very own Susan. Maybe I should tour with her, like a Victorian freak show so I can share her with the world?

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's SO Susan!

I love this blog. Discovered it a few days ago and am hooked.

I work in an office in the Midwest USA. We have a few Susans running amuck. One is about 150 years old and is quite the asset since she is an expert on everything. Oh, her unique takes on the world are priceless: Once, another co-worker bought some expensive Italian leather shoes but they were too tight.

No worries, "Susan" had the answer: She advised take the shoes home and SOAK them in rubbing alcohol to "loosen the leather". Poor guy had spent a mint on the shoes and ended up with a shrivelled up pair of worthless shoes.

Go Susan!

At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it wrong to love Susan? I think I love her. Can I get one? Can I buy yours?

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Si said...

Susan is the gift that keeps on giving, it has to be said.

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has susan read this??

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Si said...

Judging by the fact that I still have this website AND my job- no.

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Susan is way too thick to work the internet! But Lord Help Us if she ever tries!


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