A Withdrawal Request in Anticipation of the Monthly Statement
Hello followers of the Cult of Susan. Today's lesson from the Book of Stupid is a tale not so much of lack of intelligence, but of ignorance of social etiquette. This parable of preposterousness harks back to when Susan had only been working here for a few weeks (please remember this fact, as it will add to your appreciation of situation described). A chap from our IT department was popping out to the shops to pick up a sandwich. For the purpose of this story we shall call him Nick. Since I'm making up names I could go crazy and call him Theodore Jacuzzi or something similarly ridiculous but I feel it would fail to suspend your disbelief, so Nick it is.
Nick kindly asked us if we would like anything from the shops since he was going anyway. After taking a few orders for sandwiches of various types, he came to Susan. Susan had brought her lunch with her so she was fine, but there was something she needed from the shops:
"Yes, can you get me a box of tampax classics please?"
Now I'm a man of the 21st century. I don't believe menstuation is God's punishment for the sins of Eve and I know we should be at a stage in mankind's social development where there's nothing embarrassing about that time of the month when ladies are closed for maintenance. But asking someone in the IT department to pickup tampons- that is weird, isn't it?
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