A One Liner
100% genuine comment made last week
"Houston, we have a problem? Why is it always Houston? Why isn't it ever anyone else?"
I work in an office. Not very much happens. Then not very much happens again. However, every so often this inactivity is broken by the wisdom of my colleague. She says stupid things. This is my story. Pity Me.
100% genuine comment made last week
I know that I usually set the scene for these stories with a brief introductory paragraph about the conversation that inspired Susan's particular piece of wisdom, but I haven't got a clue what brought forth today's gem from the deliverer of alternative intellect. So let's cut straight to Susan...
Hello eager awaiters of all things Susan. I'm afraid I only have a short story today- let's face facts I've been spoiling you recently anyway. Susan may be an idiot but she doesn't make a priceless contributions to my life like envelope-gate every day.
Susan and I work in an office, as you know. Everyday we send out dozens of sets of documents. I could tell you what the documents are but your life would be no richer for this explanation. In fact, a sense of melancholy would cloud your hitherto sunny disposition, and I want my blog to be an uplifting experience for all concerned. Except for me of course- my suffering is, sadly, necessary for your pleasure. The only important thing to know is that the documents are the same everytime and are sent out in A4 envelopes.
It has come to my attention that by writing this blog I am gaining myself a reputation for being a sinister, untrustworthy figure. Following a conversation I had at the weekend, I would like to point out to people reading this, whom I know, that I am NOT writing a blog about you- you can open your mouth without fear of cyber-ridicule. You're just not interesting enough. Unless you're Susan and you're reading this. In which case the good news is that you're interesting. The bad news is everything written here except that last sentence.